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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  July 22, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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neuroscience who won a federal genius award and graduated from college with honors two years ago, recently dropping out of his studies, turn into the raging mass murderer, under the demented guys of batman's joker. a chilling story to report. >> eric: this is a brand-new hour of america's news headquarters on this sunday morning. the investigation into friday's horrific shooting is moving forward. the apartment where he lived was a bomb-laden arsenal with booby traps, say authorities. they have dismantled that. mike, what did they find in his apartment? it was set up to try to kill police, they say? >> reporter: it certainly was. a lot of planning went into the attack and a lot of planning went into the prep rages to turn this apartment into a death trap. there were 30 home-made explosives inside this apartment, most of them were made out of fireworks,
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retrofitted to kill. gasoline bombs inside, chemical bombs, designed to explode once the chemicals were mixed. trip wires. one at the front door, intended to kill whoever walked in through the front door. the living room was criss crossed with trip wires. we have information on our web site, a report running about the first person who raised a red flag about james holmes. this is an individual who owns a private gun range, to which james holmes had applied for membership. the owner says the application was strange. he called his home phone and got a strange outgoing batman-themed message that. raised red flags. if you want the details, log on to our web site, >> eric: and mike, he's going to be in court tomorrow. what's the next case, in terms of legal aspects? >> it will be a quick hearing tomorrow. there will be a discussion of the charges, probably some discussion of bond.
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he does have a lawyer now. this is an individual named daniel king, a state public defender. he works with an organization that has been nicknamed the death squad bah they handle so many death-penalty cases. >> eric: they must be an expert on that. we will be following that and the latest developments. mike, as always, thank you. >> reporter: you got it. >> jamie: a fox news alert from syria. new video coming in that shows the street battles that are raging in damascus. earlier this week, following the bombing that hit the heart of the assad regime, killing four government officials there. this morning, regime forces are still on the attack, using helicopter gunships to bomb bord rebel-held neighborhoods in the capitol. we have a reporter live in jerusalem. dominic? >> reporter: jamie, state tv
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showing government forces trying to take key areas back from the rebel hands. hoeing pictures too graphic for us to show on fox news of rebels that were killed during that fighting and some of their injuries absolutely horrific. which shows how intense the fighting has been in the capitol. we understand that the districts of mezeh and barzeh have fallen back. 180 people killed in the past 24 hours from activists and opposition. we understand that the rebels have turned their fights on the second city of syria alebo, the economic heartland. apparently, they are making a run for the airports. we understand that the intelligence bureau's main building is under attack. and witnesseses -- witnesses are describing intensive fighting. they are making ground in other parts of the country, taking a
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border post on the frontier with turkey. we understand in the northeast of the country in the kurdish area of the northeast, they have taken several town there is. it appears that appears that ths starting to lose ground on the frontiers of the country, which means bit by bit, the control that assad had continues to eke away. here in the region, it is causing concerns right here. for example, in israel, there are westerns -- there are worris that they may not be able to keep control of their arsenal of chemical weapons with sarin and mustard gas here. the defense minister here has said, if necessary, israel is prepared to take military action to protect israel from those weapons falling into the hands of extremists, including hezbollah and al qaeda. >> jamie: such a huge concern. we will speak with the former ambass door to the united nations in israel.
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thank you so much. eric? >> eric: back to our continuing top story. president obama and governor romney have cancelled campaign events after the tragedy in colorado, both interrupting what had become an increasingly nasty campaign. there is a poignant message that struck a tone of national unity, while expressing sympathy and sorrow for the victims, their loved ones and this nation. >> and i know many of you came here today for a campaign event. but this morning, we woke up to news of a tragedy that reminds of -- reminds us of all the ways we are united as an american family. the people we lost in aurora loved and they were loved. they were mothers and fathers, they were husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and
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daughters, friends and neighbors. >> i stand before you today, not as a man running for office, but as a father and grandfather, a husband and american. our hearts break for the victims and their families. we pray that the wounded will recover and that those who are grieving will know the nearness of god. >> eric: this will trapping dee change the tone of the presidential campaign? or will we soon get more of the same? joining us is a former democratic congressman from pennsylvania and vice admiral of the navy. and a republican political analyst and campaign consultant and national correspondent for talk radio news service. joe and tony, welcome on this somber sunday morning, in which our hearts go out to the victims of the trapping dee. we just saw the comments from the president and governor
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romney. will this have a lasting effect? or will they be going at it again? >> unfortunately, the short answer is no. both president obama and governor romney are sympathetic. they are great family men with their children and in the case of governor romney, with their grandchildren. but presidential campaigns have a much larger dynamic. both campaigns have a game plan. with president obama in one month, $100 million in negative ads. so the larger game plan won't be stopped and you will see a return to normalcy relatively soon. >> eric: joe, do you expect the same thing to happen? >> it's unfortunate, but i need to agree with the whole of what tony just said. both candidates have decided it's more important to make the other candidate appear less savory than themselves. it's a shame. mitt romney is a pragmatic problem solver. he did the olympics, as a
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republican, head of a massachusetts, which is democratic state and brought health care for everyone. the president salvaged the economy, which was sinking, plugged the holes and said, maybe we don't want to go back to the policies that got us here. but should they change? yes, they should. the way the negativity is with both running 90% negative ads, they won't earn the trust of the american people in order to govern. that is what is most harmful. we have the biggest deficit of trust in america's history,ats least tied for it. if we are going to go forward, yes, this has to be a tough race because americans want to make sure, we put you through a grueling race so we get in the white house and we know that you have our back. but you should be defining the other guy in terms of the issues, not on his person, not on his character. i think that tone needs to change for the good of america. >> eric: that's what americans want. we want to come together. the wonderful words they are
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speaking of national unity and concern and love for each other. but, tony, once you get into the political pit bull ring, we become the victims. >> on a human level, i think this will have a positiveesque on the country. i see it already. but the goal, the objective of presidential campaigns or any political campaign is to win. on the obama side, have you seen a very deliberate attempt to define governor romney in a negative way, based on his personal success and record, before governor romney turn its around and defines the president as a failed leader. we see it traditionally. but today, we see it in the hundreds of millions of dollars, versus a couple of millions of dollars by this point in the cam paib. i -- campaign. i think this is important, especially for governor romney to do this -- to talk about the future of the country and what their policies mean for future generations. there has to be a positive
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element as well as a review and a revisit of the record of president obama, which most of us understand. it is one of failed economic leadership. at some point, maybe not now, there has to be the positive pivot forward. but you do run as an incumbent, based on a reverendum of your record, which has been a miserable economic recovery. >> eric: you talk about the pivoting, they pulled the negative campaign ads in colorado. what do they give it a week? two weeks? who does it first? what if there is a backlash? >> i think you will see them going back up probably in a week. they are too far down the road, i think, for them to change. look, it is true that the objective of the campaign is to win, as tony said. but the objective of campaigning and winning is then to govern. you saw what happened this past week, with 18 of the biggest banks of america and the world lying to make big profits.
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look, come up here to elks count nepennsylvania, where people just don't trust -- they don't trust anybody, whether you are a union international leader, wall street, republican or democrat. therefore, if you are going to win by making the other guy lose and you are not voting for somebody, we need the type of leader today and someone will arise, eventually, who is going to be able to garnener a tough fight -- defining the other guys on the issues to lead america like we need to be led. otherwise, we will be more red and more blue and in stalemate in washington and america suffers. somebody will come around. i hope one of these two gentlemen does it. >> eric: that has to be the last word, on this somber sunday nwhich we remember and reflect what happened, the president will be in colorado this afternoon. maybe it's time for all of us to reflect on their words, from both of them. >> thanks.
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>> jamie: dominic was telling us about syria and the chemical weapons that are there and the concern of israel. tensions remain high between israel and iran after the homicide bombing in bulgaria, the deadly blast in a popular tourist resort this week killed five israeli tourists and a bulgarrian bus driver and israel quickly blamed iran. as the victims are buried. there are new concerns by israel over the situation in syria. defense officials keeping a close eye on the rejeesm's vast arsenal of chemical weapons and they are reportedly considering an attack to prevent them from falling into terrorist hands. joining me from tel aviv with a slight delay, dan gellerman, the former ambassador to the united nations, a fox news contributor. welcome. how much more concerned are you after that bus bombing?
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>> let me express my horror at theosh event in aurora, both personally and on behalf of israel, i would like to extend our condolences to the families and wishes for speedy recovery to the wounded. we more than anybody else know how they feel. we feel their pain and our prayers are with them. as to the situation following this horrible event in bulgaria, where innocent israelis were murdered just because they are israelis and jews, i promise you that we will get those people. we are not just saying it. we have proved it before. you know, we will be marking in a few days' time, the opening of the olympics. and it's 40 years since the munich olympics, where 11 israelis were murdered. we got each and every one of the assassins. we will do the same now.
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we have no doubt it's iran. iran's fingerprints are all over the world. they have attempted to murder israelis in kenya and south africa and i don't thinkia and greerks turkey and cypress. the attack in bulgaria took place 18 years to the day when they blew up the israeli embass nebuenos aires, argentina. they are murderers. they are an evil regime, which is the main... >> jamie: our satellite dropped out. we will try to re-establish that. i know there is concern for israel for the athletes attending the olympics because of the bus bombing. the ambassador rejoining us now. thank you, sir, so much. let me ask you about the chemical weapons and falling into the hands of terrorists -- do you mean iran? dowf do you mean a proxy for iran? are you concerned about lez
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bola? >> well, jamie, we live in a very tough neighborhood. in fact, israel is a villa in the jungle. we are surrounded by evil regimes, rogue regimes and terror organizations. now assad has to go. the butcher of damascus, who has killed nearly 20,000 of his own people, including women and children, must go. but we don't know who will come in his place. it could be an even more extreme fundamentalist muslim organization. we cannot afford to scbait see and hope for the best. we must make sure that the stockpile of chemical weapons owned by syria does not fall into the hands of hezbollah or iranian groups or islamic jihad. i think it's the responsibility of israel and the rest of the world, including the united states, to make sure that they don't fall into the wrong hands. and if it is necessary to attack
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and make sure that they are eliminated, i believe that is what should be done and will be done. >> jamie: israel's defense minister, barack saying israel is preparing for the worst. thank you for joining us this sunday morning. >> eric: the question on our minds is: why? coming up, we will speak with a renowned southern pastor about faith, loss and the ethics of our culture in the wake of this tragedy. plus, friends are calling the suspect, james holmes, a quote -- sweet, normal guy. what could have turned that phd science candidate into an alleged mass murderer? we will take a look at what holmes was doing in the days leading up to the shootings and speak to a leading clinical psychologist about that. i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and wifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't li to miss out on money
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>> i encourage to you recognize that god didn't put us here on earth to be on the sideline. all of those people who wrote to us and told us they were praying for us... they were not on the sidelines. so if you know of somebody -- even if you don't know of somebody who lost their life or who was impacted, just simply being in that theater is trauma.
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reach out to those people and tell them you are praying for them. >> eric: that was tom mauser, the father of a columbine shooting victim, speaking about the latest shooting massacre in colorado. in his sunday blessing, pope benedict expressing shock and sadness, going on to say, quote, i share the distress of the families and friends of the injured, especially the children, assuring all of you of my closeness in prayer, i impart my blessings as a pledge of consolation and strength in the lord. we bring in ed young, a pastor in grapevine, texas and joins us via skype. the question all of us have been asking is -- how do we make sense of this? >> you can't make sense of it. the bible is very clear. it tells us we live in a fallen world and bad things happen to good people and innocent people.
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and this whole question of pain is one of the most difficult things to grapple with. however, i think we need to move rapidly from the why question to the what question, not just why me, not just why did this happen? but what should we do because of this? >> eric: recently, you were warning about the dangers of the internet, saying people being online all the time, impacts personal relationships. we have reports that the suspect spent all of his time alone in his apartment, online and maybe role-playing, adult-type web sites. what are your concerns about the culture? what is happening to our culture isn't internet and the ethics of all of this? >> i think social media is great. but there is a definite dark side to it. i think we need to be very, very careful whether we are adults or children or students when we go online. i think this tragedy, this
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horrendous event just shows us that the fallenness of man, it shows us the difficulties that we are grappling with. the why me? the what now? why am i here? i believe god has answers for that. and god wants to help all of us, to forgive and to give us a purpose, even in the midst of pain. >> eric: do you fear that the internet depersonalizes people, potentially, a shooter can be in his own fantasy world and act that out like we saw in this case and that helps to cause some of these things? >> definitely. i think a cyber-wull can be built around anyone. what is interesting, the internet is about communication, yet so many of us have forgotten how to communicate. so i think when have you someone with problems some mental facultyies that have gone awry,
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have you something like the internet and your own fantasy and i think the result can be chaotic. when you have a culture without an absolute truth. you have a culture that bases everything on relativism and particulars and as francis sheafer said the result of that culture is chaos. i believe it's time to get back to the basics and get back to truth and be committed to that. i think we will be on god's agenda, individually and corporately as a nation. >> eric: certainly, there are milliops of prayers and thought this is morning in churches across the country. pastor, thank you. >> thank you. >> jamie: as we remember in religious services, we wanted to tell you more about the victims, the worst mass shooting in u.s. history, including a six-year-old girl, veronica. we will tell but her and the other innocent lives that were
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cut way too short. and pennsylvania's new voter i.d. law is set to go on trial this week. we will speak with the city commissioner about disturbing new evidence of voter fraud there. stay with us. stay in the moment sanya. focus lolo, focus. let's do this. i am from baltimore. south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love. this is for everyone back home. it's go time. across america, we're all committed to team usa. wouldn't it be nice if there was an easier, less-expensive option than using a traditional lawyer? well, legalzoom came up with a better way. we took the best of the old and combined it with modern technology. together you get quality services on your terms,
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>> jamie: penn state taking down the statue of joe paterno. that happened this morning. the university says it became an obstac toll healing after the late head coach was accused of covering up child sex abuse allegations against jerry sandusky. investigators say they have evidence that two missing cousins in iowa may be alive. the young girls vanished nine days ago while riding their bikes. the mother of michael jackson is reported to be missing, but she may be with family members. >> eric: we know the identity of
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all the 12 victims kill in the colorado movie theater massacre -- they are eight men, three women and one six-year-old girl, gunned down in that shooting on friday. we have more details on each vital and precious life. >> reporter: eric, the mayor of aurora saying some of the injured may not live. this morning, we are remembering those whose lives have been lost, the youngest, 6-year-old veronica. her mother is in critical condition and hasn't been told about her daughter's death. 18-year-old alexander was called a ball of joy. his girlfriend survived, who was at the theater with him. 23-year-old mikayla was a huge green bay packers fan. 24-year-old alax endander earned a masters degree in counseling. the fiery sports reporter narrowly missed a shooting in
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canada, just last month. at 26, jonathan had already served 3 tours with the navy and planned to become a navy seal. he was a father of two. comic book geek and new york mets fan alex would have been celebrating his 27th birthday and wedding anniversary this weekend. matt mcquindove in fwront of his girlfriend to shield her from the gunfire. she survived. john was a navy sailor at buckley air force base, the youngest of five siblings. serving alongside him was jesse, a cyber-systems operator. 32-year-old rebecca was a mother of two and described as having a bubbly personality. and the oldest victim was seeing the move wehis two teenaged children. 51-year-old gordon's family said he was a true texas gentleman. a vigil to remember the lives lost will take place tonight at
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aurora city hall at 6:30. >> jamie: at this point, we are learning more about the suspect in the massacre. investigators are saying that james holes planned the attack for months, until last month when he dropped out of medical school, the 24-year-old appeared to be a brilliant, aspiring skift with a very bright future. but those in law enforcement are saying that the typical lone gunman is one of the most difficult types of criminals to catch. he had no criminal record. you can obtain many of the weapons he had legally. most who know them say there is no sign that something is about to go terribly wrong. >> he was laid back, kept to himself. never really talked to anybody. the conversations we did were very short. i mean, he was somebody who you wouldn't look at twice walking down the street.
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very, very mellow. >> jamie: dr. henry cloud is the author of "necessary endings" an ironic title because this wasn't necessary. doctor, first of all, as our hearts go out to the victims and all the people in the aurora community, how will they heal? >> well, i think that that's just -- the big focus now. you know, it's not only the people who were there, but having gone through this in that region previously, the way that post traumatic stress happens, it takes a symbolic reminder. so i think we have the victims who were in the theater and their families and loved ones, which you have an entire community. there are several points that i think that everyone needs to focus on. number 1; the most important thing in the aftermath is for people to get together. you know, the way that our traumatized brain settles down,
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number 1, is through connection with other people. when people come together with the people who care about them, understand them and support them, it actually does some things to mitigate against post traumatic stress later -- >> jamie: let me jump in for a second. we are looking at video on the screen with you of how this community's come together. yet, the suspect, the alleged shooter, who carried out this horrific act was said to be a loner in a community that is very friendly, how do you think he went undetected? what do you think was going on in his mind? how hard would he have had to work to do this without anyone suspecting him? >> automobile, it takes a lot of planning. i mean, we have heard the reports of all the ordering he did, the receiving of the weapons and the explosive, the calculation, the rigging the apartment. but in the interviews -- jamie, this is one of the most important points. you know, the latin word for
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diabolical means to compartmentalize. and in all of these reports and descriptions, one of the things that you will see over and over and over in different words that people use is that at some level, he was a real loner. he might have been around people and in programs. but there are parts of himself that no one really ever knew and that were disconnected -- >> jamie: that's possible. >> that's very, very possible. and usually, that's somewhere in the picture of things like this. now what often happens is when there are deep, deep, deep feelings of, you know, somebody's been slighted or they are disconnected or alienated and they are not really talking or processing those for a long, long time, that begin on a world of its own. and there are revenge motifs, a lot of times, they feel entitled to get back to the world that has done this to them.
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and the alienation is what you are going to see, i think, through the theme of this. but the problem is -- >> jamie: unfortunately, i have to cut this short. i wish we had more time. but can you test for that? can you be crazy but not insane? that's the standard? >> there are a few points to remember. one of them -- >> jamie: give me 10 or 15 seconds, doc. bottom line it for us. >> okay, the best way to test it is if somebody is a loner and disconnected, you try to connect with them and you try to draw them out. you take the second step, past their shyness. that's when, if you begin to hit a wall and you can't get into someone's life, that's when you start to worry that there is some kind of compartmentalization going on. secondly, he is 24, which is a lot of times when you see dilutional psychosis emerge for the first time that people
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didn't know were there. >> jamie: you could be highly functioning for a long stretch and have something break. we are not diagnoses him. doctor, thank you. >> we don't know enough. >> jamie: please, come back and tell us more as this case unfolds. >> be glad to. >> eric: the fox news voter fraud. an acquittal in a scandal we have been following in new york, where politicians have been accused of faking absentee bal-- thees to steal an election. eight have been indicted and so far, four have pled guilty. and forgery charges were dropped. he told us, he did not try to steal the election and did nothing wrong, but three more officials face trial n. pennsylvania, that state's new voter i.d. law goes on trial later this week. the aclu challenging it, the legal proceedings will come as a
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philadelphia commission found disturbing evidence of voter fraud and illegal voting in the city of brotherly love. the author of this report is here, a republican. we went through the report, mr. smith. bottom line, how easy is it to commit voter fraud in philadelphia? >> we examine hundreds of cases in which it occurred in the most recent presidential primary to get at how it happens on election day. >> eric: what did you find? >> we found that it occurred in a number of different ways. we identified seven types, from people voting twice to noncitizens voting to the number of votes on the voting machine not equaling the number of people who showed up to vote that day -- that's a concern. >> eric: that's unbelievable. we have the whole list. voting of nonregistered people. folks show up who are not registered and they still vote and that counts. i guess that would be illegal.
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voting in the incorrect primary. a democrat voting in a republican primary or a republican voting in the democratic primary. districts with more votes than voters, who live there. voting in the wrong district. voting more than once. voter impersonation and by noncitizens. how could this happen? >> well, it occurs in a number of ways. and you need different methods to prevent t. sometimes it occurs as a matter of an accident or mistake. other times, it is clearly done with intent. either way, every one of those not-legal votes matters as much as my vote or your vote. >> eric: what is your fear in november? >> fundamentally, our job is to run elections, it comes down to honest elections. if we don't have monnest elections, what's the point? that's the reason we have paid special attention to had. >> eric: on thursday, there will
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be a trial in harrisburg about voter i.d., the aclu and others are taking it on. they say that it suppresses votes, 700,000 people don't have i.d.s, it's going to be a mess. people won't be able to cast their ballots because of this. what's your response to the critics of voter iermentd d.? >> any time the law changes, it's of acute concern to us. we want to make sure that everyone's aware of the law and comply with the law to minimize problems -- for everybody. >> eric: do you think it's racist? do you think they are trying to prevent president obama from being re-elected because of voter i.d.? >> i do not. i think it's about balance. you want the best balance that you can between honest elections and making sure that everyone who is eligible is registered and able to vote on election day. >> eric: that's one view. commissionener philadelphia, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> eric: thank you. we say, there it is -- voter
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fraud at, if you suspect problems at the polls or hanky panky. we are on the case and investigating every single day. >> jamie: devastating drought conditions are raffanging our nation. how bad is it and how much worse will it get? the colorado shooting suspect is due in court tomorrow. family and friends prepare to say their final good-byes to those 12 victims. [ male announcer ] extreme environments can cause a spontaneous change in dna,
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>> eric: the massacre in colorado, a horrific tragedy, that's major news story this weekend. here with her commentary, liz trotta. >> everybody has a comment on what went wrong in colorado.
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for my money, one of the best things said about the framework within which this happenedas written by rand, a very estimable novelist. she wrote, the spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. whenever evil wins, it is only by default, by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles. my point is that instead of talking about this young man may have been a narcissist, he may have been a victim of ptsd, post traumatic stress syndrome, he may have been a psychopath. of course, we have heard nothing about the sciek -- psycheopathy. or gun control.
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that all of these things are possibly the reason for the slaughter that happened in colorado. nobody wants to think of what was called basic principles. for example, the place of morality and the church in our society, the place of religion. it is eshoed and mocked as a matter of fact. there is no grayer evidence than watching the administration -- now in a lawsuit with catholic and other christian churches about the health care bill. and not getting much support as a matter of fact. it is very sophisticated and it is considered very "in" to mock religion and also you can go as far as to say that's what is wrong with the reason why everything has gone wrong and point to islam and terrorists as a reason for their argument. traditional families -- there certainly is no welcome atmosphere for traditional
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families in this country. single mom-ism is now absolutely adored. and considered heroic and considered the pinnacle of what a woman could want. so elements have succeeded to make is that your traditional marriage does not exist or is at least threatened very badly. where were those children at that midnight "the dark knight rises"? who was bringing a six-year-old watch that kind of movie? all of those questions are being asked, but nobody's coming up with an answer. parents don't seem to know where their children are anymore. and the last thing i would talk about -- as -- for basic principles is again, we have heard it over and over, the question of violence. well, the kind of violence that you are seeing in "the dark knight rises," there is another plug for them -- is really
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beyond garbage. it is odius, it's evil, it is an abrogation of the principally peles of rand. it is destroying civilization. vampirism and vampires are more acceptable than the presence of the cross. so i think that we ought to really think about some of these things and about what is happening to american culture. everybody agrees it's in crisis. but nobody wants to do anything about it because it is just not fashionable. >> jamie: a brutal drought now devastating crops across our country and the question is what will it cost for your groceries? what farmers are doing to try to protect their fields, next. our coverage continue, john scott, live in colorado with continuing reporting of the movie theater massacres. the investigation goes on. he will talk to aurora police
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chief at the top of the hour. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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>> eric: as we learn more about the massacre in the colorado movie theater, it is a somber reminder of another mass
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murderer that took so many innocent lives. today is oince the series of bomb and gun attacks that left more than 75 people dead in norway. this weekend, hundreds of mourners, including family members of those killed attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the site of the youth camp where the mass killings of students occurred. the accused gunman has admitted carrying out the attacks and is awaiting sentencing. norway does not have the death penalty. he faces up to 21 years in prison. >> jamie: extreme heat and drought conditions. it is baking america's bread basket, in the region now in the grips of the worst drought in decades, putting major pressure on farmers who are trying to find new ways to water their crops. >> reporter: well, after years of destructive drought, irrigation systems are popping up in farms across the nation. for farmers, the artificial
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twawrt sources are the difference between a robust crop or a devastating loss in the fall. it's the sound of relief, desperately needed water that mother nature is not bringing lately. >> last two years, our peanut crop has been a total loss. we harvested very few acres,s about,s about the been destroyed. >> reporter: with crops, drying up and baking from the deep south to the midwest, farmers are not just hoping for rain, but turning to technology. elton sharp can barely keep up with the demand. farmers all over georgia are calling irrigation installers like him, as repeated droughts risk the state. >> 20 years ago, we were trying to convince people that they need them. now we just have to try to convince them that we have the right one for them. >> reporter: the irrigation
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business is booming nationwide. in 2008, farmers spent a whopping $2.1 billion to install, maintain and upgrade systems. >> the trend seems to be that we are having more and more dry years. and so, yes, i think, i think irrigation is becoming more of a necessity. >> reporter: jamie, this may seem like wonderful news to irrigation installers. but they say there is not enough hours in a day and it's a complex process and he doesn't have time to keep all of his customers happy. >> jamie: thanks. we'll be right back. ♪
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